Peaceful Packers Llamas


Peace, Joy + Love to All

This page is a resource that we use for Christian bible study. We have developed some of the information on this page and we have borrowed information from other studies which are freely available. Our intent is to provide a study resource that we can access when traveling. We do not disagree with anyone's personal interpretation of scripture and our thoughts are not offered as an argument for the perspective from our understanding of this revelation. Please feel free to read or use the study material if it is of help. Thank you - Love, Peace and Joy

Hebrew Studies - Lesson #1

A. We begin this lesson with a consideration of YHWH:    יִ ﬣ וּ ﬣ

God’s name YHVH (pronounced, in English, as "Yahweh") is found in 6,824 verses of the Old Testament. While this name is translated “Lord” it is actually the third-person singular tense of the Hebrew word HAVA which is more appropriately translated: “HE IS”.

God, at the burning bush (Exodus 3:14), identifies His name to Moses as "I AM". The Hebrew word here is EHVEH which is the first-person singular tense of the Hebrew word HAVA which is most appropriately translated: “I AM”.

The difference between the "I AM" of EHVEH and the “HE IS" of YHWH is not a difference of name but rather a difference in personal reference between the language use of a first-person and third person reference. From God’s perspective He is “I AM” (EHVEH)   - while -    from our perspective God is: “HE IS” (YHVH).

The Hebrew letter         ﬣ                Hei    =    to Behold, to Reveal                    -     ICON is Grace though an image does not exist (a window?)

The Hebrew letter                                Vav    =     to Add, to Secure                         -    ICON is the Nail

The Hebrew letter       יִ                 Yood    =    to Work, to Make, to do a Deed    -    ICON is the Hand

YHWH is Hei-Vav-Hei-Yood                    יִ ﬣ וּ ﬣ

                    The Hebrew root word for YHWH is         ﬣ וּ ﬣ         which means "to exist"


B, You'll note that we have used both YHWH and YHVH for Yahweh; for many Jewish people this is the unpronounceable, or if you prefer, unspeakable name of God. To us this perspective is one of reverence and we respect it. On many Jewish web sites, YHVH is the English alphabet acronym that is used. Most Christian web sites seem to use YHWH; we feel that, for the Christian, the use and pronunciation of God's name as Jesus Christ, Yahweh, etc. is also an act of reverence.

Hebrew is a written language of ideograms, that means each of the 22 Hebrew letters represent an object, an action, as well as a number. The 22 letters can also be grouped to form nouns and verbs like every other language. Hebrew is written from right to left. So in section A of this study the sacred word for Yahweh is: Yood-Hei-Vav-Hei  - or -  Hand-Behold-Nail-Grace - an interesting revelation for a Christian.


C. The Hebrew word for prayer is:        ﬥ ﬥ

The Hebrew letter        ﬥ      Lamed     =    Tongue, Control, Authority    -    ICON    =    Staff

Prayer is Hei-Lamed-Lamed      =            Grace from the Authority for all Tongues 



D. The Hebrew word for praise is:       

The Hebrew letter        ﬢ        Dalet    =    pathway, to enter    -    ICON    =    Door

Praise is Hei-Dalet-Yood            =                 Enter the Door to Grace


E. The Hebrew word for Judah is:                          יִ ﬣ וּ

Judah is Hei-Dalet-Vav-Hei-Yood                יִ ﬣ וּ

YHWH is Hei-Vav-Hei-Yood                    יִ ﬣ וּ ﬣ   

Praise is Hei-Dalet-Yood                         


Note the relationship of YHWH, Judah and Praise


This principle of Judah (praise), as the pathway to YHWH, is supported in scripture. It was the tribe of Judah which camped directly to the east of the entrance to the tabernacle during the forty years the people of Israel spent in the desert. When the camp of the people of Israel set out, during the forty years in the desert, following the cloud of God by day or the column of fire by night - it was the tribe of Judah which led the way. God chose the men of the tribe of Judah to lead the way into the promised land. The image is that praise goes first and then God acts; note Isaiah chapter 60, verse 18: "Violence shall no longer be heard in your land neither wasting nor destruction within your boarders ... you shall call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise." Note Jesus speaking in the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verses 9-10: "... I am the door, if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture ... I have come that they may have life, and ... have it more abundantly."


F. The Hebrew word for truth is:                        אכת

The Hebrew letter                א    ALEF    Strength, Leader, First        First letter of the Hebrew alphabet

The Hebrew letter                כ    KAF        to cover, to open, to allow    Middle letter of the Hebrew alphabet

The Hebrew letter                ת   TAV        to seal, to covenant            Last letter of the Hebrew alphabet


Note that truth is defined as the beginning (ALEF) and the end (TAV).

Jesus in the Gosple of John chapter 14, verse 6 says: "I am the way, the truth and the life ... no man comes to the Father apart from Me".

Jesus in the New Testament book Revelation, chapter 1, verse 17 says: "Do not be afraid, I AM the first and the last ... 

This is the same statement Jesus makes in Revelation 1: 8: "I am the ALPHA and OMEGA, the Beginning and the End, who is, who was and who is to come, the Almighty". Note that Jesus and John, the human author of Revelation, are both Jews so they would have been speaking Hebrew to each other; thus the Greek letter ALPHA that we have in our English translations is actually the Hebrew letter ALEF and the Greek letter OMEGA is actually, in their dialog, the Hebrew letter TAV.

These two references, in Revelation, that Jesus makes regarding Him being the beginning and the end are also found in two verses of the Old Testament book of Isaiah:

Isaiah chapter 44, verse 6: “This is what the Lord says … I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.”

Isaiah chapter 48, verses 12-13: ““... I am he; I am the first and I am the last. My own hand laid the foundations of the earth ... my right hand spread out the heavens …”

The reference is that He (Jesus Christ) is the ALEF and TAV:        את

   In both modern and ancient Hebrew   את is an unspoken syntax object. The Hebrew name for this unspoken syntax object is "eet".

Such unspoken and un-translated syntax objects, as "eet", are termed "direct object markers", their purpose is to provide sub-text reference.

We see the occurrences of "eet", in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament, as direct references to Jesus Christ.

The occurrences of "eet" are not common however it is often a wonderful revelation when this name for Jesus Christ is present.

        Note scripture verse Genesis, chapter 1, verse 1:   "In the beginning God  את  created the heavens and the earth.

This is Jesus Christ defined as God creating the heavens and the earth in the very first verse of the Old Testament.

Note in the epistle of Paul to the Colossians, chapter 1, verses 16-17:

" For by Him (Jesus Christ) all things were created that are in heaven and earth ... all things were created by Him and for Him"

The Gosple of John states the same truth in chapter 1, verse1: "... all things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made ..."

  דﬡﬢי ﬡﬨ ﬣשמﬦ ﬡﬨ ﬡלדיﬦ כﬢﬡ כﬢﬡשיﬨ  
  the earth and the heavens   God (Eloheim) created In the begining  


Note how the seven language components of this verse (Genesis 1:1) are similar in design to the Menorah of the Tabernacle:



Jewish history and culture provide two separate types of menorah. There is a nine candle menorah which is used at the time of Hanukkah and a seven candle menorah the design of which was provided by God to Moses for use in the Tabernacle. In the transliteration of Genesis chapter 1, verse 1, we see the Tabernacle Menorah which consists of a base and shaft with six branches, beaten out of solid gold. The six branches curve to the same height as the central shaft so that all seven lamps, at their apex, are in a straight line. God revealed the design for the menorah to Moses in the Old Testament book of Exodus chapter 25, verses 31-40: “ … make a lampstand of pure gold ... hammered gold … with six branches running from its sides, three branches of the lampstand from one side and three branches of the lampstand from its other side … make seven lamps for it which will always be lit ..."

The lamps (candles) of the Menorah are lit from the lamp (candle) on the central shaft

- in Genesis 1:1 this is:  ﬡﬨ


  Old Testament verses with ALEF-TAV ( ﬡﬨ )    

Gen_1:1, Gen_2:11, Gen_2:13, Gen_9:22 Gen_9:23, Gen_9:24, Gen_12:13, Gen_13:11, Gen_14:9, Gen_14:16 Gen_17:8, Gen_17:11, Gen_17:25, Gen_18:19, Gen_20:14, Gen_21:5 Gen_22:17, Gen_24:23, Gen_24:47, Gen_24:60, Gen_24:66 Gen_26:4, Gen_26:8, Gen_27:45, Gen_28:15, Gen_29:13, Gen_30:29 Gen_31:1, Gen_31:12, Gen_32:22, Gen_32:23, Gen_34:13, Gen_35:4, Gen_39:22 Gen_41:4, Gen_41:7, Gen_41:20, Gen_41:24, Gen_41:25, Gen_42:9 Gen_42:29, Gen_44:24, Gen_45:27, Gen_49:1, Gen_50:15, Exo_1:1, Exo_1:14, Exo_4:15, Exo_4:28, Exo_4:30, Exo_6:4, Exo_6:29 Exo_7:2, Exo_9:25, Exo_10:2, Exo_10:12, Exo_13:7, Exo_14:24 Exo_14:25, Exo_16:5, Exo_16:9, Exo_16:23, Exo_18:1, Exo_18:8, Exo_18:14 Exo_19:7, Exo_20:1, Exo_20:7, Exo_23:25, Exo_23:31, Exo_24:3, Exo_24:4 Exo_24:10, Exo_25:9, Exo_25:16, Exo_25:22, Exo_25:39, Exo_26:33 Exo_27:9, Exo_29:19, Exo_29:27, Exo_31:6, Exo_31:7, Exo_33:12, Exo_34:11 Exo_34:28, Exo_34:32, Exo_34:34, Exo_35:5, Exo_35:10, Exo_35:16, Exo_35:17 Exo_35:24, Exo_35:27, Exo_36:3, Exo_36:4, Exo_38:8, Exo_38:22, Exo_38:27 Exo_39:39, Exo_39:40, Exo_39:42, Exo_40:3, Exo_40:6, Exo_40:13, Exo_40:21, Lev_1:8, Lev_2:14, Lev_4:17, Lev_4:21, Lev_7:3, Lev_7:30, Lev_8:9 Lev_8:14, Lev_8:18, Lev_8:36, Lev_9:5, Lev_9:15, Lev_10:11 Lev_11:15, Lev_13:12, Lev_13:54, Lev_13:57, Lev_14:11, Lev_14:31 Lev_19:27, Lev_21:12, Lev_21:21, Lev_22:15, Lev_25:5, Lev_25:10 Lev_25:22, Lev_25:25, Lev_26:14, Lev_26:35, Lev_27:23, Num_1:17, Num_3:40, Num_3:49, Num_4:5, Num_4:27, Num_5:18 Num_5:25, Num_5:30, Num_7:7, Num_7:10, Num_11:5, Num_11:12 Num_11:24, Num_15:22, Num_15:23, Num_16:28, Num_16:31 Num_16:35, Num_16:38, Num_17:3, Num_16:39, Num_17:4, Num_18:5 Num_18:15, Num_18:29, Num_19:9, Num_20:14, Num_21:6, Num_21:25 Num_22:2, Num_22:4, Num_22:6, Num_22:17, Num_23:12, Num_25:8 Num_26:10, Num_31:26, Num_32:11, Num_32:28, Num_32:31, Num_33:4 Num_33:52, Num_35:6, Num_35:14, Deu_1:4, Deu_1:18, Deu_1:19, Deu_1:35, Deu_3:21, Deu_4:3 Deu_4:6, Deu_5:11, Deu_5:27(2), Deu_5:31, Deu_6:5, Deu_7:12, Deu_7:18 Deu_9:7, Deu_9:25, Deu_10:4, Deu_10:16, Deu_11:1, Deu_11:32, Deu_12:11 Deu_12:28, Deu_12:32, Deu_13:1, Deu_14:22, Deu_17:9, Deu_18:18, Deu_18:20 Deu_21:16, Deu_24:9, Deu_25:17, Deu_28:12, Deu_28:58, Deu_28:60 Deu_29:2, Deu_29:1, Deu_29:9, Deu_29:8, Deu_29:16, Deu_29:15, Deu_30:7, Deu_31:26, Deu_31:28, Jos_2:10, Jos_2:23, Jos_3:3, Jos_5:1, Jos_7:17, Jos_8:1, Jos_8:26 Jos_8:32, Jos_9:3, Jos_9:24, Jos_10:23, Jos_15:19, Jos_21:9, Jos_21:44, Jos_22:2 Jos_23:3, Jos_23:6, Jos_23:15, Jos_24:7, Jos_24:27, Jos_24:31, Jdg_1:15, Jdg_2:7, Jdg_3:1, Jdg_3:9, Jdg_4:23, Jdg_4:24, Jdg_7:22 Jdg_8:16, Jdg_9:3, Jdg_9:25, Jdg_9:36, Jdg_9:56, Jdg_11:21, Jdg_11:22 Jdg_11:24, Jdg_14:6, Jdg_14:8, Jdg_16:23, Jdg_18:27, Rth_2:17, Rth_2:18, Rth_2:19, Rth_2:21, Rth_3:4, Rth_3:10, Rth_3:16 , Isa_2:17, Isa_2:22, Isa_3:12, Isa_4:4, Isa_5:1 Isa_6:18, Isa_7:16, Isa_8:10, Isa_8:21, Isa_10:8, Isa_10:20, Isa_10:25 Isa_12:7, Isa_12:20, Isa_12:24, Isa_13:3, Isa_13:14 Isa_15:2 Isa_15:16, Isa_16:3, Isa_16:4, Isa_19:7, Isa_19:18, Isa_22:21 Isa_23:5, Isa_24:10, Isa_24:11, Isa_24:18, Isa_24:19, Isa_25:8 Isa_25:24, Isa_25:29, Isa_25:33, Isa_25:35, Isa_26:19, Isa_28:2, Isa_28:8 Isa_28:9, Isa_30:18, Isa_30:23, Isa_31:11, 2Sa_3:13; 2Sa_3:2 Sa_3:19, 2Sa_3:25; 2Sa_3:2 Sa_4:5, 2Sa 5:? 2Sa_6:2; 2Sa_6:2 Sa_7:21, 2Sa_8:7; 2Sa_8:2 Sa_8:9, 2Sa_11:9; 2Sa_11:2 Sa_11:19 2Sa_11:20; 2Sa_11:2 Sa_11:22, 2Sa_12:9; 2Sa_12:2 Sa_12:24, 2Sa_13:21; 2Sa_13:2 Sa_13:22 2Sa_13:32; 2Sa_13:2 Sa_14:19, 2Sa_15:16; 2Sa_15:2 Sa_15:34, 2Sa_16:3; 2Sa_16:2 Sa_19:19, 2Sa_19:20 2Sa_19:37; 2Sa_19:2 Sa_19:38, 2Sa_20:3; 2Sa_20:2 Sa_21:11, 2Sa_21:19; 2Sa_21:2 Sa_23:20 2Sa_24:2, 1Ki_2:3; 1Ki_2:1 Ki_2:5, 1Ki_2:9; 1Ki_2:1 Ki_2:15, 1Ki_2:22; 1Ki_2:1 Ki_2:43 1Ki_2:44; 1Ki_2:1 Ki_4:34, 1Ki_5:14; 1Ki_5:1 Ki_5:8, 1Ki_5:22; 1Ki_5:1 Ki_7:3? 1Ki_7:48; 1Ki_7:1 Ki_8:14, 1Ki_8:15; 1Ki_8:1 Ki_8:24, 1Ki_8:25; 1Ki_8:1 Ki_8:31 1Ki_8:54; 1Ki_8:1 Ki_8:55, 1Ki_8:63; 1Ki_8:1 Ki_9:9, 1Ki_10:2; 1Ki_10:1 Ki_10:4 1Ki_11:10; 1Ki_11:1 Ki_11:14, 1Ki_11:20; 1Ki_11:1 Ki_11:31, 1Ki_11:35; 1Ki_11:1 Ki_14:6, 1Ki_16:12 1Ki_18:4; 1Ki_18:1 Ki_18:13, 1Ki_18:36; 1Ki_18:1 Ki_19:1, 1Ki_20:13; 1Ki_20:1 Ki_20:22 , 2Ki_5:20; 2Ki_5:2 Ki_7:12, 2Ki_7:16; 2Ki_7:2 Ki_8:4, 2Ki_8:5; 2Ki_8:2 Ki_8:12, 2Ki_9:25; 2Ki_9:2 Ki_10:10, 2Ki_10:11; 2Ki_10:2 Ki_10:27, 2Ki_10:33; 2Ki_10:2 Ki_11:1 2Ki_12:18; 2Ki_12:2 2Ki_12:19; 2Ki_12:2 Ki_15:16; 2Ki_15:2 Ki_18:12, 2Ki_18:14; 2Ki_18:2 Ki_18:24, 2Ki_18:27; 2Ki_18:2 Ki_19:4, 2Ki_19:11; 2Ki_19:2 Ki_19:16, 2Ki_20:3; 2Ki_20:2 Ki_20:15, 2Ki_21:13 2Ki_21:14; 2Ki_21:2 Ki_21:24, 2Ki_22:16; 2Ki_22:2 Ki_23:4, 2Ki_23:18, 2Ki_25:29, 1Ch_4:10; 1Ch_4:1 Ch_6:65, 1Ch_6:50; 1Ch_6:1 Ch_10:11, 1Ch_11:22; 1Ch_11:1 Ch_13:6, 1Ch_13:12 1Ch_15:12; 1Ch_15:1 Ch_15:15, 1Ch_15:17; 1Ch_15:1 Ch_17:19, 1Ch_18:7; 1Ch_18:1 Ch_22:18, 2Ch_4:19; 2Ch_4:2 Ch_6:3, 2Ch_6:4; 2Ch_6:2 Ch_6:15, 2Ch_6:16; 2Ch_6:2 Ch_7:18, 2Ch_7:22 2Ch_9:1-2 Ch_9:3, 2Ch_10:13; 2Ch_10:2 Ch_14:14, 2Ch_14:13 2Ch_21:16; 2Ch_21:2 Ch_21:17, 2Ch_25:20; 2Ch_25:2 Ch_29:16, 2Ch_29:20 2Ch_33:8; 2Ch_33:2 Ch_33:25, 2Ch_34:4; 2Ch_34:2 Ch_34:19 2Ch_34:24; 2Ch_34:2 Ch_34:32, 2Ch_34:33; 2Ch_34:2 Ch_36:19, Neh_2:9, Neh_3:13, Neh_9:6, Neh_9:32, Neh_13:17, Neh_13:18, Neh_13:27, Est_2:13, Est_2:18, Est_3:3, Est_4:7, Est_4:9, Est_4:12 Est_6:13, Est_8:4, Est_9:19, Est_9:21, Est_9:23, Est_9:27, Est_9:29, Job_2:11, Psa_47:4, Psa_47:5, Psa_60:1, Psa_60:2, Psa_60:3, Psa_83:12, Psa_83:13, Psa_98:3, Psa_132:1, Psa_137:7, Pro_3:12, Pro_7:4, Ecc_2:12, Ecc_4:3, Ecc_5:4, Ecc_5:3, Ecc_7:13, Son_3:1, Son_3:2, Son_3:3, Son_3:4, Son_6:4, Isa_2:20, Isa_3:18, Isa_4:4, Isa_5:5, Isa_5:24, Isa_7:6, Isa_7:17, Isa_8:2, Isa_8:6, Isa_11:15, Isa_21:4, Isa_22:8, Isa_36:9, Isa_36:22, Isa_37:4, Isa_37:17, Isa_38:3, Isa_39:4, Isa_41:22, Isa_52:10, Isa_53:6, Isa_63:11, Jer_1:17, Jer_2:20, Jer_2:27, Jer_7:10, Jer_7:12, Jer_7:15, Jer_8:7 Jer_9:1, Jer_8:23, Jer_15:6, Jer_16:10, Jer_19:15, Jer_20:2, Jer_23:25 Jer_25:13, Jer_25:30, Jer_26:2, Jer_26:8, Jer_26:10, Jer_26:12, Jer_26:15 Jer_26:22, Jer_30:2, Jer_30:9, Jer_31:7, Jer_32:13, Jer_32:14, Jer_32:23 Jer_32:42, Jer_34:6, Jer_35:14, Jer_35:17, Jer_36:2, Jer_36:3 Jer_36:4, Jer_36:13, Jer_36:16, Jer_36:18, Jer_36:20, Jer_36:24, Jer_36:28 Jer_36:31, Jer_36:32, Jer_38:9, Jer_38:10, Jer_38:16, Jer_41:3, Jer_41:9 Jer_41:11, Jer_41:16, Jer_43:1, Jer_43:5, Jer_44:2, Jer_44:4, Jer_51:12, Jer_51:24, Jer_51:60, Jer_51:61, Jer_52:33, Lam_2:2, Eze_1:11, Eze_1:23, Eze_2:2, Eze_2:8, Eze_3:1, Eze_3:2, Eze_3:3, Eze_5:9 Eze_7:3, Eze_7:8, Eze_9:8, Eze_11:13, Eze_11:25, Eze_12:25, Eze_14:9 Eze_14:22, Eze_14:23, Eze_15:4, Eze_16:45, Eze_16:48, Eze_16:58, Eze_17:4 Eze_18:13, Eze_18:19, Eze_21:20, Eze_21:25, Eze_22:2, Eze_22:24 Eze_23:21, Eze_23:22, Eze_23:36, Eze_27:3, Eze_27:5, Eze_33:5, Eze_34:23 Eze_36:27, Eze_42:18, Eze_43:21, Eze_44:5, Eze_46:12 , Dan_1:13, Dan_1:15, Dan_8:19, Dan_9:13, Dan_10:14, Dan_11:2 , Amo_3:2, Amo_5:26, Amo_8:11, Oba_1:17, Oba_1:20, Mic_5:1, Mic_4:14, Mic_6:1, Zep_1:18, Zep_2:11, Hag_2:17, Zec_8:9, Zec_11:14, Zec_12:10 , Mal_2:4, Mal_3:10, Mal_4:5



Note: we have found the teaching of Joseph Prince very helpful for our Hebrew studies:

Note: our thanks to for the list of ALEF-TAV occurrences in the Old Testament


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